Sejal Makheja, a high school student at The Holton-Arms School, founded The Elevator Project in 2012. She was inspired by an experience in a Washington, D.C. soup kitchen where she met a man named Juan. He shared that the reason he was unable to get a full-time, well-paying job opportunity was because employers refused to hire those with minimal education and minimal skill attainment.
Sejal had a theory that education and the opportunity to develop skills would help individuals come out of poverty. She and her family helped Juan and proved her theory. The Elevator Project was born, inspired by the Kevin Spacey quotation, “If you’re lucky enough to do well, it is your responsibility to send the elevator back down.”
Find out more about The Elevator Project and Sejal’s commitment to inspire other members of Generation Z.
What is a social conscience? How does The Elevator Project promote both individual and collective responsibility?