Elections are an important aspect of a democracy. Some people think that making voting compulsory, or mandatory, would ensure the full participation of citizens. Other people think that a free, democratic society should give citizens the choice of whether or not to vote.
Mandatory voting would ask better of these citizens; that they take the time to become informed and cast a ballot. And in becoming informed, they might learn that voting is in their best interest.
-Lisa Young, University of Calgary
It’s unlikely that forcing citizens to vote will do anything to address the causes of their disengagement [or lack of participation…A single] focus on voter turn-out obscures the fact that democracy exists beyond election day. Genuine re-engagement requires focus in between elections.
-Alison Loat, Samara Canada
Try an internet search, using the search terms “mandatory voting Canada” and “mandatory voting Australia” to find other perspectives and opinions. Compare the perspectives and opinions you find.