Federal, provincial, and municipal elections have offered mobile voting for many elections. This photo shows a returning officer helping a Calgary voter during an Alberta provincial election.
Currently, mobile voting is offered at:
- hospitals and treatment centres,
- supportive living and long-term care facilities, and
- emergency shelters or community support centres.
Facilities must have at least ten electors who are inpatients, residents or receiving services at the facility to be eligible for a mobile voting station. Where consultation with facility staff determine the service to be appropriate, a voting officer and a record clerk, along with a facility representative, set up a stationary a fixed location voting station, go to bed-to-bed, or both, depending on the situation.
Mobile voting can occur on any of the days established for advance voting and/or on Election Day.
Photo Credit: Glenbow Archives NA-5600-6293c
In what other ways does the electoral process provide access to vote? What other ways do you think access should be provided?